We are under the stage area and Mike says' Want to go downstairs?" Margaurite asks "Andy are you here?" after a few seconds a child-like voice says "Nope"
Margaurite: "Matilda, is that your coffee?
Enjoy darling"
Matilda EVP: "BYE"
Investigation of The Sterling Opera House
Derby CT - May 12 2012
The Sterling Opera House, opened on April 2, 1889. It has hosted many of the biggest entertainers of the early 20th century upon its stage. Harry Houdini, the legendary actor Lionel Barrymore, comedian Red Skelton, and even Amelia Earhart addressed a local women's club here. The Sterling Opera House ceased functioning as an entertainment venue in 1945. It has served as city hall and a police substation until the 1960s, then becoming abandoned, falling into disrepair. There have been claims by numerous paranormal investigative teams, including EVPs, images of spirit orbs and mists, shadow figures and other apparitions. Could it be Charles Sterling, the man for whom the structure is named, who died before it was completed, or his widow? There is also one in particular reported to be that of a child spirit named "Andy".
In February Mike and Margaurite did a walk-thru of the Sterling Opera House, while waiting for the team to meet for the Farmhouse investigation.
Margaurite picked up a female spirit at the ticket booth, named "Matilda".
In May the CSSP team with Old School Paranormal did a full investigation. Photos were again taken at the ticket booth and before heading up the staircase with Mike and Ann, Margaurite jokes with "Matilda' and says
"Matilda is that your coffee"? (referring to the coffee cup left sitting on the ledge at the booth) and tells Matilda "enjoy darling" and as they head up the stairs. Matilda says "BYE".
solitary jail cell voice