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Unicorn  Meadow  Farm            Team  Presentation 


April 28th, 2019 Unicorn Meadow Farm hosted a presentation by Mike and Margaurite of the Connecticut Skull and Spirit Paranormal Team.

The CSSP Team presentation included a live view of our website, as we shared some of our more interesting investigation cases, voice (EVP) recordings, photos and a display of the technical equipment used during investigations. We also shared with the group, the "spiritual" communication that is also utilized by the "sensitive" members of the team when connecting with spirits on these investigations.

In addition to delving into those investigations themselves a lively discussion was had on the house/property cleansing & blessing methods offered by the team to clients as well as the "crossing over" of human spirits and the closing of spirit portal gateways as needed. The group also viewed a DVD of a former client's post-investigation "reveal" (with permission of the client) followed by a Q&A


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Unicorn Meadow Farm, Suffield CT

The Team would like to again thank Nancy and Jackie for hosting this event. It was a privelege and pleasure. CSSP is both excited and grateful to be welcomed back in the near future for another presentation event. Also the offer and opportunity to investigate the UMF property. Thank you, ladies!

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