Avocational Archaeologist
Paranormal Consultant
Mike Cahill
Audio Engineer
Ocean State Paracon 2017 - Rhode Island
Mike and Margaurite with Demonologist, Keith Johnson
Keith Johnson, Demonologist and author, has been featured on the SyFy Channel's Ghost Hunters as a consulting demonologist and is a former core member of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society).
Mike Cahill, Andrea Perron, Margaurite
Andrea Perron, author of trilology, House of Darkness House of Light - basis for the movie "The Conjuring"
Mike * Dustin Pari * Margaurite
Ocean State Paracon - 2016
Mike Cahill and Margaurite attended the Ocean State Paracon on July 16th. The event brought teams, welll-known authors and tv personalities from the paranormal field for a charity event to benefit the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Mike and Margaurite chatted with and had a photo taken with Dustin Pari formerly of the Syfy channel's series - Ghost Hunters with theTAPS Team and also Ghost Hunters International. Dustin is currently an author and motivational speaker.